Qaliubiya Governorate
Qaliubiya is one of the greater Cairo region’s governorates. It lies to the east of the Nile at the very top of Egypt's Delta region. Shoubra el-Khaima is the capital city of the Qaliubiya governorate. The region is central to Lower Egypt's agriculture and this economic value helps to make Qaliubiya the hub that links Lower Egypt with Upper Egypt.
Agricultural activities
Qaliubiya is popular for growing apricots, bananas, citrus fruits, wheat, cotton, maize, and all other types of vegetables. It is also a major provider of agricultural crops to Cairo as a whole. Qalyubia is widely known across Egypt for its large-scale production of crops, vegetables, and fruits.
The governorate is also rich in tourist destinations and unique monuments, including the Atreep in Banha Markaz. Qaliubiya is also home to the El-Khairiya Museum, one of the most unique and well-loved museums in all of Egypt.
Industries in the area
Qaliubiya hosts many large industrial factories for the production of metal products, food processing and packing, oil refining, vehicle, plastic, and electric appliance manufacture, spinning, and weaving. The industrial zone in this area is also popular for the fertilizers and chemical industries, as well as poultry, metal, weaving and spinning, food products, packing plastics, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, waste recycling, and many other sectors.
Qalubiya is situated in the East Nile Region at the head of the Delta. It is bordered in the south by the Giza and Cairo governorates, in the north by Dakahleyia, and Gharbia, in the east by the Sharkqia, and in the west by Menofa. Many one-day tours feature the governorate since various vessels pass by the port to spend the day.
The cogwheel signifies the importance of industry in the governorate, which has the biggest industrial zone in Egypt by far. The emblem also shows the two branches of the agricultural sector and the barriers in the middle of the Nile that control the water level.