Who Was Neferrenpet?
Neferrenpet, or Kenro, was a scribe and officer of the Treasury at Thebes in the estate of Amen-Ra during the second half of Rameses II's reign. His wife was Mutemwia, and it's said that Kenro was the son of Piay and Wiay.
Tomb of Neferrenpet
The tomb of Neferrenpet, referred to as tomb TT 178, is located in the al-Khokha part of the Necropolis. The tomb was cut into the square wall at a small hillside, located just a few hundred meters towards the west of the funerary temple of Thutmose III. Two small chambers in TT 178 feature scenes that are not more than 20 cm in height. Scenes inside the tomb wrap around corners and can be seen on several walls. It is an unusual feature not seen in other tombs.
A remarkable feature of this tomb is the elaborately decorated ceiling. Also, the varieties of geometric patterns found here are very finely done and rare, with the colors still well preserved. The tomb shares a courtyard with the tomb TT 296 of Nefersekheru and TT 365, which is the tomb of Nefermenu.
Structure Of The Tomb
TT 178 consists of an inner room and one hall. The hall has paintings of Kenro and his wife drinking and giving offerings to Amenhotep I and Ahmose Nefertari. In other scenes, the couple is seen playing Senet. Board games were a favorite pastime in Egypt, and Senet was the most popular. Two people played it on elaborately carved and inlaid boards like the one found in Tutankhamun's tomb or scratched into the earth.
The funerary items in the hall show various names, including the names of Ray, Panehesy, H,uy, and more. The inner treasury room has a list of 36 items inscribed on the wall of the inner chamber, including everything from beer to cakes to bread, wine, and more.
Details About The tomb
TT 178, oriented north to south, comprises two rooms, a liturgical chapel leading to the shaft that opens into the underground burial apartment, and an entrance hall. The entrance hall to the tomb is 8 feet deep, 6.5 feet high, and 11.5 feet wide, and the eastern wall is decorated with three registers: the upper register, the central register, and the lower register. The western edge of the wall is decorated with three similar registers: upper, mid, and lower. Among other scenes are the couple with arms stretched in the worship of Ptah and Hathor.
Getting Into The Tomb
TT 178 at al-Khokha is open to the public and can be visited from 6 am until 4 pm in winter. Tickets to this tomb cost EGP 25 and can be bought from the ticket counter at the gate.