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Who Was Nefersekheru?


Nefersekheru had many titles, including 'Scribe of the Divine Offerings of all the Gods' and 'Officer in the Treasury of the Southern City.' He worked during the later part of Ramesses II's reign. His four functions included the Deputy administrator of the treasury, Royal scribe of the treasury, Scribe of the divine offerings of all the gods, and director of the enslaved people. It is believed that he may have succeeded Neferrenpet. Nefersekheru is believed to have had three wives, and his wives and daughters were all chantresses of Amun.

The Tomb of Nefersekheru

Located among the southern tombs in the al-Khokha necropolis and the Theban necropolis, Nefersekheru's tomb lies on the hill that separates Deir el Bahri from Sheikh' Abd el-Qurna. It is referred to as TT 296 and is similar to the tomb of Nefferenpet. The ceilings in the tomb of Nefersekheru are elaborately decorated, and the finely done geometric patterns in such wide variety are rare. The colors have also been very well preserved.
The courtyard of the tomb of Nefersekheru was also used for entry to Neferenpet's tomb. TT 296 opens into a courtyard with a long hall featuring colorful and well-preserved paintings. Outside this tomb and at the entrance are columns offering texts, while Nefersekheru and one of his wives are shown walking forward on the door jambs.

Scenes Found In Tomb TT 296

The entrance has a scene of Nefersekheru and his family moving toward the rising sun. The first chamber has scenes from the Book of the Gates, where the king asks permission from the demon to cross the door to another world. Also, illustrations from chapter 62 of the Book of The Dead can be seen in the same chamber.
The couple is depicted assisting a festival for the goddess Bastet in Bubastis, sitting in front of many offerings of sycamore fruit, bread, lettuce, and onions. There are scenes showing Nefersekheru and his wife adoring Osiris, Hathor, Isis, and Anubis. Also, texts of Chapter 125 of the Book of the Dead have been written on the inner walls. Inside the burial, chamber scenes can be seen where the deceased claims he is not guilty of specific tasks in his lifetime, called a Negative Confession. Also, the funeral procession of Nefersekheru can be seen in the burial chamber.

Tomb Entrance

Located on the west bank of Luxor in Egypt, TT 296 is open to the public and can be visited from 6 am until 5 pm in the winter and 6 am until 5 pm in the summer. Cameras are allowed in the outside area and even inside with special permission.

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