The Tomb Of Thutmosis I
Thutmosis I was the third Pharaoh who ruled in the 18th dynasty in ancient Egypt. He succeeded the throne of King Amenhotep I. He is believed to have been involved in enlarging the borders of Egypt more than any leader before him. He is said to be the first king who built a tomb for himself at the Valley of the Kings. The reign of Thutmosis I dates from 1506 to 1493 B.C.
About Tomb KV38
Tomb KV38 is believed to be the second tomb of Thutmosis I. The yellow sarcophagus has an inscription for Thutmosis I, the most crucial discovery, stating that the tomb belonged to him. Later on, it was found that KV38 was newer than the tomb KV20, which could be seen in its design and architecture, which influenced the first grandson of Thutmosis I, whose name was Thutmosis III.
Also, the incomplete furniture and funerary equipment inside the tomb seemed to be of a style not present when Thutmosis I was in power. Thus, most archaeologists conclude that the king was buried along with his daughter Hatshepsut in tomb KV20, and later on, the king's mummy was moved to KV38duee due to his hatred for his stepmother.
History Of The Site
It was initially believed that KV38, which Ineni solely controlled, was the original burial place of King Thutmosis I. However, further research revealed that Hatshepsut had her father reburied in a sarcophstone sarcophagus initially intended for her burial. Subsequently, the body of Thutmosis I's son, Thutmosis III, was returned to a new coffin. The body was again moved to the cache in TT320 when the New Kingdom ended.
Egyptologists now believe that tomb KV38 was built on the orders of Thutmosis III to rebury his grandfather. This is because the plans of KV34, KV38, and KV42 shared many similarities, including rounded corners and central pillars. Also, in all three tombs, the coffin was placed in the rear part of the burial chamber.
Tomb Design
Tomb KV38 in the Valley of the Kings has a simple plan and consists of a steep corridor that ends in an unevenly cut small chamber. After this is a steep stairway that leads into the center of the chamber and leads to the burial chamber. The burial chamber has a single side chamber off its left. Overall, the tomb is poorly cut, and penetration of flood waters over time has led to an increasingly rough appearance. The only decorations inside the tomb are those on the burial chamber's walls.
Noteworthy Features
The unique shape of the burial chamber- cartouche-shaped- is a noteworthy and rare feature in this tomb, which still has many controversies surrounding its ownership and construction.