The Tombs Of The Nobles At Thebes (Luxor)
The Valley of The Nobles is located on the west bank of Luxor in Sheik Abd El-Korna. The site has rock-cut tombs of nobles and high officials of ancient Egypt. These men once served the Pharaohs during the time of the New Kingdom. (1500 - 500 B.C.)
One of the most essential tombs in this cemetery is Tomb 55, which belonged to Ra-Mose. He was the mayor of Thebes during the end of the reign of Amenhotep III (Amenophis III) and his son Akhenaton, the vizier. Unfortunately, this tomb is unfinished because Ra-Mose moved, with Akhenaton, to the new capital, Akht-Aton (modern-day Tell El-Amarna). Therefore, the decoration work stopped, and the tomb was left unfinished, except for the completed scenes. Because of this, we can appreciate the high techniques that Egyptian art had during that period, but we can't see the final product.
This tomb consists of a square rock-cut court with a central doorway opening into a broad columned hall with columns in papyrus buds. The inner gallery is undecorated. On the left of the wide entrance and under the inner hall were shafts leading to two burial chambers, but the mummy of Ra-Mose was not found. The relief carving in this chapel is fascinating, but only some parts were painted.
Tomb 100
Tomb 100 is another vital tomb in this cemetery. It belonged to Re-khme–e, the vizier of Tuthmosis III and Amenhotep II.
This rock-cut tomb has walls decorated with many painted scenes of the various aspects of life in Ancient Egypt. One of the most beautiful scenes is the one that represents the arrival of foreign delegations to the court of the Vizier Re-khme-Re, carrying presents and tributes to the King of Egypt and his men.
These presents and tributes included utensils, agricultural products, and various animals. One of the most crucial text engravings in this tomb is the one that mentions the duties and responsibilities assumed by the vizier to let justice prevail on Earth.
When you visit the tombs, it is essential to remember the number of tombs you want to visit. This way, you can stay precisely what you want to see; otherwise, you will be lost, as many of the nobles' names are similar.
Below are some recommended tombs to visit.
The Tombs Chapel of Nakht, Number 52
The owner of this tomb was a noble who had the title of great scribe. He was also an astronomer in the Temple of Amon during the reign of King Tuthmosis IV. His wife was also involved in the activities in the Temple, as she worked as a chanter. The tomb is relatively small but has some brilliant, colorful scenes. These scenes are well-preserved and have great beauty.
The tomb is adorned with scenes of agriculture, a marvelous scene of Nakht in hunting action, and his wife standing on a boat harpooning fish. Nearby is another scene of him bird hunting in the marshes of the Delta, where he catches birds using a boomerang.
Next is a beautiful scene of female musicians playing their instruments while a blind singer sings for the crowds. You can also see crowds of people invited to this party watching the show and talking as they eat from a fruit-laden table.
The Tomb of Menna N 69:
This is one of the most famous tombs in the Valley of the Nobles and one of the most beautiful. It has many magnificent scenes and remains in good condition. The tomb belonged to a noble who was the land surveyor during the time of King Tuthmosis IV. His job was necessary, as he was responsible for estimating the taxes to collect from the farmers. The tomb is full of scenes of daily life. There are scenes of cultivation, including harvesting, threshing, plowing the fields, and winnowing the seeds (separating the trash from the seeds).
In the middle of the left wall is a cute scene of two girls fighting over falling seeds that passing farmers are dropping, while transporting them to the threshing ground.
This tomb also includes offering scenes of Menna and his wife as they make an offering to the God Osiris. There are also scenes of fishing and bird hunting in the marshes of the Nile. As well as all of the reliefs there is also a destroyed statue of Menna and his wife, of which nothing remains but the feet !
When looking at the depictions of Menna on the walls, you will notice that his eyes have been destroyed! It seems that an enemy entered his tomb after the burial and killed the eyes in the paintings, meaning that, according to ancient Egyptian beliefs, Menna would never again be able to see in the afterlife.
The Tomb Chapel of Ra Mose
This is the best tomb by far in the Valley of the Nobles. This marvelous tomb belongs to a vizier and counselor of Thebes who lived during the reigns of King Amenhotep III and Akhenaton (or Amenhotep IV) in the 18th Dynasty. The tomb contains a complete record of the new cult Akhenaton, regarded as the Heretic King, introduced and called Atonism.
Ra-mose lived until the 5th year of King Akhenaton's reign. Evidence proves that this tomb was opened and re-used by many other noblemen later, most probably by the ones who erased the names of King Akhenaton on the walls. The high priest Ra-mose of Amon Ra had great power! It is clear from the style of decoration inside this tomb that he enjoyed a unique position.
The most exciting part of the tomb was for worshippers of the sun disk, the god Aton. This section illuminates the names and figures of Akhenaton's wives and children. In this scene, one of the high priests with a long mantle and clean-shaven head is next to him
On the interior wall to the south is the fine-colored scene showing the funeral ceremony and female mourners. There, you will see a group of servants carrying offerings to the deceased. On the eastern wall is a fine specimen of relief sculpture made by the finest artists of the 18th Dynasty. The scene shows Ra-mose's wife, father, uncles, and sisters here.
A significant scene also shows Ra-mose sitting on a stool with his wife and their pet goose sitting underneath. On the southern wall of the tomb, there is a fresco that shows the funeral of Ra-mose, his possessions, and the offerings being made for him. In another scene, you can see groups of mourners weeping and wailing. In front of them is a priest standing at the tomb's entrance.