Ramesses XI
Tomb KV4 is the final resting place of King Ramesses XI and is said to have been the last tomb built for any pharaoh in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt. The tomb is said to have been used as a workshop by Pinejdjem I, who kept her funerary equipment from tombs KV 29, KV 34, and KV 38. Pinejdjem also planned to usurp the tomb as his burial place, but this plan was abandoned. During the Coptic period, the tomb was also used as a residence. Later findings claim that the tomb was not where Ramesses XI was buried.
About KV4
Tomb KV4 lies on the west bank of Luxor in the Valley of the Kings area and is believed to have been open to tourists and visitors since antiquity. The first pillared hall and the burial chamber are unfinished, and the decorations can only be seen in the first corridor. The tomb's primary attraction is that it is the last royal tomb in the Valley.
Tomb's Design
KV 4 consists of an entranceway and a corridor ending in a descending ramp. This is followed by the second and the third corridor that finally leads to a ritual well room that was undug and undecorated. The peculiar feature seen was the rectangular rather than square pillars in the burial chamber; the ceiling inside was vaulted, and no barriers were found inside; however, pivot holes for door jambs could be seen inside the corridors and chambers. An unusual feature in the tomb was a shaft within the burial chamber, indicating the presence of more chambers further along.
Decorations Inside The Tomb
Tomb KV4 has very little decoration compared to other royal tombs in the area. The entranceway and the beginning of the first corridor had scenes where Ramesses XI was seen kneeling between two goddesses bordered by the sun disk. The corridor entrance also had a similar illustration.
Artifacts Found In The Tomb
Significant artifacts related to Ramesses XI found inside the tomb include three foundation deposits with his name inscribed. Also, limestone chips, fragments of gold gesso, faience, and cedarwood were found. The workshop run by Pjnejdem led to the finding of some intrusive items, two large pieces of blue faience vessels, and more. A beeswax figure of Ramesses XI, seen standing before Goddess Ma'at, was also found in the tomb.
More About KV4
The location where the king was buried remains uncertain, but most Egyptologists believe it was somewhere in the north of Egypt.