Characters of Egypt Festival
Characters of Egypt is a festival held in Egypt that connects the different tribes and ethnicities of Egypt. It started when the elders of some tribes sat together one evening near Marsa Alam to discuss the issues that the many tribes and communities were facing. The most common of all problems was the need for more judicial and fairly-applied law. With communities so close and interrelated, rejudging any case was difficult for the elders to decide wherein a new system was adopted. Under this new system, an impartial judge was sent from one tribe to another to solve cases and ensure free and fair justice for everyone.
Thus, Characters of Egypt are the country's most significant annual cultural festival, aimed at fulfilling the goal of tribal togetherness and justice. The event is organized on a large scale and invites tribes from all over Egypt, the Nile Valley, the Sinai Peninsula, and more. It aims to help the diverse tribes get connected while exposing them to each others' unique cultures. Also, the local and foreign tourists learn about each others' music, dance, poetry, sports, and education and attend tribal meetings, which give them an insight into these tribes of Egypt and how they can work together for a better future.
The event is held once every year for three days. It was founded and managed by Fustat Wadi El Gemal, who works the eco-lodge where Characters of Egypt occur annually. Many volunteers help in making the event a success. Gemal decided with a group to put the initiative together to travel around Egypt for eight months, meeting the different tribes and convincing them to participate in this event. The festival aimed at making people of other tribes realize they all share everyday worries and grievances, which can be resolved or lessened only by coming together.
The festival's objective is to create awareness about the cultural differences between the many groups residing in Egypt and the similarities. This diversity is celebrated and understood by the display of indigenous practices, cuisines, beliefs, music, sports, arts, clothes, tradition, and communication. Many exhibitions are held during the festival to showcase this diversity in a detailed way for tourists who come to attend this festival from far-off places. Characters of Egypt try to take proactive steps and measures that can help improve the economic situation for the inhabitants of the many tribes, including a campaign to promote tourism.
The three-day Characters of Egypt festival allows visitors to experience a cultural feast they won't find anywhere else. The festival features sporting events, musical events where tribes perform traditional music using traditional instruments, and many other fun activities, such as sessions on water conservation, green tourism, storytelling, poetry, and a chance to see open tribal meetings.
Tribal Egypt
Egypt is home to 45 tribes comprising around 300,000 people. They live a nomadic life with diverse customs, languages, and more. Every tribe has a contact person who helps gather groups of people participating in development, sports, law, and culture. The experience is truly unique, allowing anyone to get close to the culture.