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The Columns of Ancient Egypt

When considering ancient Egyptian temples, one prominent feature that comes to mind is columns. The Karnak Temple, in particular, is renowned for its obelisks, towers, columns, and statues, and it is unimaginable without them. Columns in ancient Egypt were adorned with vibrant paintings and intricate carvings, considered a hallmark of Egyptian architectural prowess. The term "Egyptian columns" encompasses everything from those found in ancient times to contemporary columns influenced by old Egyptian ideas and advancements.


In most ancient times, temples of ancient Egypt were crafted from a single sizeable monotheistic block. But, later on, it changed into using sectional blocks. However, it seemed challenging to judge whether the column was cut from a single or sectioned piece after painting.
From 3050 B.C. till 900 B.C., when the great kings of Egypt ruled, the earliest builders made columns from large blocks of sandstone, limestone, and red granite; later on, stacks of stone disks were introduced. Egyptian columns are diverse and range from 16-sided polygons to circular columns. Imhotep, the ancient Egyptian architect, was known to carve stone columns resembling bundled reeds and other plants. The columns were placed closer to ensure they could carry the heavy weight of the stone roof beams.

Plant Style Columns, which consist of:

  • The stone shafts were carved in a way that they resembled bundled reeds, tree trunks, or plant stem
  • The capital was bud-shaped or bell-shaped, campaniform
  • Motifs on the capitals/ tops were lily, palm, lotus, or papyrus plant
  • Decorations usually were brightly painted carved relief decorations

Fluted Columns


This early column form resembled bundled reeds or plant stems but was sometimes made as polygonal shafts. Referred to as the most interesting fluted columns in Egypt, they were the first stone columns on earth and lost their charm when new styles emerged that depicted a more complex structure.

Lotiform columns


Used in non-secular buildings but rarely in religious architecture, this resembles a simple lotus bud and finds ample use in Old and Middle Kingdom temples. Their use declined in the New Kingdom; the ribbed shafts represent lotus stems, and capitals are made as closed buds or open lotus flowers. Lotus here refers to a type of water lily.

Palmiform columns


These were used in earlier times in Egypt and were at the inner side of the court. The columns depicted a palm tree motif but not the tree and eight palm fronts were lashed to a pole.

Papyriform column


The column was made in several variations, some in a circular form representing the single plant, while others were ribbed with multiple stems. The capitals were closed buds or open bell-shaped shapes. These are not free-standing columns and were used in Egyptian history, especially during the New Kingdom.

Coniform columns


The column form was less popular and used in later temples. It has a fluted shaft surmounted by a top resembling the branches of a conifer tree.

Tent Pole columns

Tent-Pole-columnsConstructed of brick, these are stone representations of wooden poles that support tents, kiosks, shrines, or ship cabins. They are the earliest of Egypt’s structures, but their use is still mystical.

Composite columns


Every day, during the Greco-Roman era, these depicted an evolutionary extension with capital decorations in floral patterns and even imagined plants. The variations are endless and differ from the Egyptian variety of columns.

Campaniform columns


The many forms included:

  • Floral columns or pillars.
  • Circular, square, or ribbed pillars.
  • A flower-shaped capital that seemed familiar.

These column types were rare, but the stylized versions could be seen during the Greco-Roman period.
In addition to plant-styled columns, no plant-style columns in ancient Egypt represented deities or their attributes. The two most common types included Hathoric Columns and Osiride Pillars.

Egyptian columns in the Western world

With the onset of Classical Orders of Architecture, Greek and Roman ideas and innovations were used in Egyptian column styles, leading to an evolution in the Western world. About 2000 years later, the architect was borrowed by Europe and the United States to add those exquisite looks and architectural additions.

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