Ahmose I
Ahmose I is among the many ancient pharaohs and rulers in Egypt, and his name means "the moon is born." Much of what is known about Ahmose I is from his tomb, which was discovered. He is believed to have been only ten years old when he assumed the throne.
Ahmose I's Family
Seqenenre Tao II was Ahmose I's father, and Kahmose was his brother. Both of them died during the war with Hykos, which led to the early crowning of this king. Queen Anhotep is believed to have been Ahmose I's powerful mother. Queen Ahmose Nefertari is believed to have been the sister-wife of Ahmose I, and he relied on her a lot. Another influential person in his life was his grandmother, Queen Teitshree, who supported him throughout his reign.
Ahmose I's Tomb
The tomb of Ahmose I has a detailed autobiography about his life. The early years of his rule as a king were pretty quiet. But halfway through his reign of twenty-five years, the pharaoh resumed hostility against enemies and started attacking Hykos. He tried to capture Avaris and Memphis and retake Heliopolis. Ahmose I laid siege to the Hyksos fortress at Sharuhen for six years, finally forcing them to retreat. The king then led his army to Nubia (Kush), imposing his control as far as the Second Cataract. He installed a Viceroy in Buhen to manage the area.
More About Ahmose I's Life And Family
The rule of Ahmose I is believed to have lasted for 25 years, from 1552 to 1527 BC. Tao II Seqenenre, King of Egypt, was the father of the pharaoh, while Ahhotep II, Queen of Egypt, who was very powerful, was his mother. The three queens who have been the wives of Ahmose I are Sit-Kamose Princess of Egypt (Theben), Ahmose-Nefertari Queen of Egypt, and Sensonb (concubine) of Egypt. The children of Ahmose I are Ahmose Queen of Egypt, Amenhotep I Djeserkare King of Egypt, Sitamun Princess of Egypt, Ahhotep III Princess of Egypt, Merit-Amun Princess of Egypt, and Thutmosis I Akheperkare.
The Remains Of Ahmose I
Ahmose I is believed to have been buried in Egypt's Dra Abu el-Naga area. The mummy, found during excavations, was reburied in the Dier El Bahari cache to protect it from tomb robbers during antiquity. However, it's still known that he constructed a cenotaph at Abydos that consisted of two temples. One of the two temples stood against the cliff, and the other one was on the edge of the river Nile, along with a small pyramid. The pyramid is said to be the last among the royal pyramids in ancient Egypt. Inside the pyramid, one can see the pharaoh in the many battle scenes, which even shows some of the earliest illustrators of horses in Egyptian art and drawings from those times.