Egptian Pharoah KIng Intef II
Intef II Came to the throne after his brother, Intef I. He was the King of the Eleventh Dynasty during the First Intermediate Period when Egypt was divided into several Nome. Turin Canon states that his reign was 49 years. Intef II acquired the Horus name of Wahankh after he received the throne. Wahankh means Enduring Life.
Intef II extended the Theban Kingdom beyond that of his predecessor and brother, Intef I. After the death of the arch-rival nomarch, Ankhtifi, he could unite all the southern Nome down to the First Cataract. This fact of authority was established by the discovery of a statue of Intef II in a sed festival robe in the sanctuary of Heqaib at Elephantine. The expedition of Djemi from Gebelein to the land of Wawat/Nubia during his reign also established this authority being extended to the region of First Cataract and over Lower Nubia by
his 30th reign year. Intef II also successfully held Abydos by defeating the kings of Herakleopolis Magna and thus extending his rule to the 13th Nome. A stele at his courtyard tomb describes his expedition of capturing the Thinite Nome and thus expanding the Theban kingdom northward to the Nome of Aphroditopolis.
Attestation: Stele of Tjetjy & Helepy
Tjetjy was the chief treasurer of Intef II and his successor, Intef III. His finely-carved tomb stele not only spoke of his parentage but also of the boundary of his rule: "The Horus Wahankh, king of Upper and Lower Egypt, son of Re, Intef, born of Nefru, he who lives eternally like Re,
this land was under his rule southwards as far as Yebu and reaching as far north as Abydos…" His Stele also demonstrates the influence of the King over his officials, who were always ready to follow the King's orders and always wanted to keep their King happy. "Moreover, as for every responsibility of the royal palace which the majesty of my lord committed to me, and for which he caused me to perform some task, I did it for him by everything his Ka desired…" he had mentioned at one place in the Stele.
Hetepy, another official, mentioned him in his Stele, which proves the abolition of the nomarchs system in Theban-controlled territories. He also sings the praise of the King like that of Tjetjy. His Stele also mentioned a famine during the reign of Intef II.
The Monuments
Intef II started the prolonged tradition of royal building activities in the provincial temples of Upper Egypt throughout the Middle Kingdom. He was also the first ruler to build chapels for Satet and Khnum on the island of Elephantine.
Intef II's tomb is a staff-type with a double row of columns and entryways fronting a large trapezoidal courtyard (820 ft x 230 ft or 250 by 70 meters).
According to Ramesside, the Inscription Pyramid was part of the funerary complex. But, there's no pyramid for Intef II, and the probable reason might be "crushed down upon," as mentioned in Abbott Papyrus.
His steles depict his life and the long 50 years of reign and bear the names and impressions of his pet dogs.